Saturday, July 16, 2011

Today's random thought:

GameCube was perhaps the most underrated video game console that actually kicked ass. The GC had mediocre sales, was generally ignored by the public, and was outright lashed out at by many "gamers" for it's fun, colorful appearance and not having as many violent, cool games as the other consoles. (And yeah, if those complaints sound ridiculous, that's because they kinda are.)

That's a real shame though. GC never deserved that derision. It was a great little system, and had an excellent library of games. GC owners were often treated to some absolute classics, great games, and some of the best visuals of the time.

So, where am I going with this? Right here. If you never got the chance to play with this little piece of gaming history, give it a try. Many of the games hold up wonderfully, and you should be able to find them, the accessories, and the system (if you don't have a Wii) for dirt cheap. While it's sad the the GC never really took off and got the acclaim it deserved, that also makes it an unexplored treasure trove of great games for most gamers. Give it a look sometime. : )

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hmm, what to do with this...

I enjoy writing, I enjoy entertaining people, and I'd love to do something semi-popular with a blog. Just can't quite figure out what that is yet. In the meantime, I think I'm just going to write whatever I find interesting, and see how that works out.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

6 in the morning...

Hmm, I really shouldn't be playing around with Google stuff instead of sleeping.